Getting a fraud examination to prosecuting agency isonly halfthe battle against a crime of fraud at best. If the prosecuting agency proceeds with legal charges. then the forensic accountant becomes vital to the success of the case. Some high- profile cases and many not so high-profile, have been lost due to blunders by the person serving as the expert witness. There are many cases where the expert witness was ineffective or the evidence was mishandled by the forensic accoun- tant, resulting in a "not guilty" v in a criminal case; usually followed by a civil case where the parties switch roles! That scenario could be seen as "double dipping," where the fraudster successfully defrauded a victim organization for a huge sum, then pursues a civil case award ofeven more money. Thus the tactics and procedures of the expert witness are critical to the successful outcome of a fraud examination and court case. This chapter provides information about successful tactics and procedures, along with some of the subtleties of the court processes, such as the strategies of the opposing attorney on cross-examination.