Acacia auriculiformis is a multipurpose leguminous tree of medicinal forestry importance. This plant is
gaining importance because of its spermicidal and anti-HIV properties along with safe to use on vaginal
epithelium. Clonal propagation of this pharmacologically important tree species via in vitro
micropropagation is a prerequisite because propagation through seed route can otherwise lead to
segregational loss of desirable traits. In the present study, multiple shoot induction was achieved from
nodal stem segments of mature trees. Murashige and Skoog (1962) media (MS) fortified with or without
phytohormones were evaluated for their suitability to support shoot induction, shoot multiplication and
root formation. Highest percentage of multiple shoot induction was achieved on MS + BAP (2 mg/L) +
NAA (0.1 mg/L). Elongated shoots showed best rooting response on ½ MS basal, when compared to
other treatments imposed. Use of coco peat as hardening medium resulted in maximum survival (75%)
during hardening phase. In the present study, simple and efficient in vitro micropropagation of the
woody cum medicinal tree i.e, A. auriculiformis was achieved following direct organogenesis pathway
of plant regeneration.