When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth, Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities because they some how complete you, You are, and always have been, the person i have always dream about honey, i love you so much dear, how is your day dear sorry my mail comes late, we went into the city for an emergency response we just got back to our office base now honey, i want to enter the Radio room to report all last week event to Head Office In the US, i just quickly want to check on you honey because you have been on my mind since i was working inside the city, i love and miss you honey yes this is a true feeling honey you have taken over every part of me now, i pray to God for this to become a reality dreams honey...Hope you have good things to do with your time today honey i wish you a happy new week dear...please kindly help me take good care of your lovely self honey...i will talk to you if i have access to internet later...kisses and a warm hugs from a deep heart honey...cheers