Passive movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to
an area of lower concentration until equilibrium is reached.
The movement of a liquid and some substances dissolved in it through a
barrier. The barrier prevents some larger molecules from passing through.
A hypertonic solution will have a high concentration of electrolytes
(a higher osmotic pressure) compared with body cells and can cause
cells to shrink as a result of osmosis.
A hypotonic solution will have a low concentration of electrolytes
(a lower osmotic pressure) compared with body cells and can cause
cells to swell as a result of osmosis.
An isotonic solution has the same electrolyte concentration (same
osmotic pressure) as body cells.
Movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane. Movement of
the water occurs because of a difference in concentration on each side
of the membrane and continues until equilibrium is reached. The water
moves because the molecules dissolved in the fluid are too large to cross
the membrane.