IodoacetateIodoacetate is a specific and irreversible inhibitor of glycolyticenzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. It inhibitspyruvate kinase and l-lactate dehydrogenase only at millimolarconcentrations [21]. Iodoacetate is also reported to completelyinhibit glycolysis at 50 M concentration [30]. Therefore, in the cur-rent study only low concentrations of iodoacetate (up to 25 M)were used. The biomass concentration was same at 10 M and25 M iodoacetate concentration compared to control run (2.6 g/L)(Fig. 1). However, lactic acid production significantly decreasedto around 10 g/L at both concentrations of iodoacetate comparedto 18.6 g/L in control run (Fig. 2). Streptococcus being part ofthe lactic acid bacteria family is prone to convert most of theglucose consumed to lactic acid via glycolysis pathway. Thus,decreased lactic acid production is an indicator of diminished gly-colytic functioning. This led to increased HA production from 2 g/L(