In the development of Android system, two main methods to access the network for
HTTP are developed. The first one is using HttpURL-Connection. The second one is
using HttpClient. Generally, if developers only need to submit a request to a simple page
and get response from the server, he can use the first method. But for more complex
network operations, using HttpURLConnection class may not be able to meet the
requirements. In the situation like this, developers can apply the second method. In this
paper, the program uses the second method to achieve the communication interface. It has
been successfully to integrate HttpClient in Android, so developers can use Http-Client to
access the network directly in Android. HttpClient sends HTTP requests in two ways,
GET requests and POST requests. Normally, GET method focuses on requesting web with
simple data, POST method focuses on requesting web with complex data. In this paper,
the program all uses POST method to send requests. The processes of requesting POST
are shown as follows: