The tip jjajeungnago unfair and sick.
Please, please find - whether this is where the bad guy. ~~
Please please tip by ~~ I need your help. ㅜㅜ front of me writing online club Busan away August 23 4:00 a.m. halfway In've suffered collective assault him five people trying to find some people to assault the video in the wind perpetrators are discarding is away. Today, so the mind that worries took a little roundup of winning together time now to go to the police with straw, even taking heart You tip. The most unfair thing matgodo magazine not part of this unfair like that and Plus, I have people to meet job because things not as one treatment is afterwards also payments to insurance coverage by injuries owing money is hardly riveting to malman look wait state District detectives out to the hill I can not wait. slip companions who fit man lying in a backpack and video. The rest are men perpetrators. [shorts I have a big mouth perpetrators tattoo under his right knee. The perpetrator is the most critical person. We need to find these people. (anonymous tip-knowing minutes, please peme administrator / furnace has a mosaic in order to find the perpetrators.)
가장 억울한건 저렇게 맞고도 잡지 못한 부분이 억울하고 거기다 제가 사람 만나는 직업이라 일은 일대로 못하고 치료비는 상해 치료비로 결재해서 보험 적용도 안되어 돈은 돈대로 나간 상태구 형사는 기다려보라고 말만하는데 좀처럼 답답해 죽겠습니다.
영상에서 누워있는 사람과 백팩 맞는 사람은 일행이구요.
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