Nonthok has the duty of washing the feet make for the angels in heaven when visiting the Shiva. The angels came into foreign guys teased until nonthok nonthok so unbearable to request a Royal weapon with Shiva destroying Angel and diamond finger is finally gets dangerous. Shiva know it flare up, please, Narayana to subdue. Vishnu a beautiful fairy came to tease Nonthok-imagine love dumpling so Mrs. Mrs. so evocative of the krai is the dance when the converter before you get love. Nonthok OK by dancing until the diamond finger pointing dance that nonthok it self has a knee before you die nonthok see Mrs. convert appear as Narayana so that there are powers to Narayana July so why do the trick came to their scam. Narayana nonthok, therefore, to the new born, with up to 20 coupled with many hands, and then he will go as a human with only 2 hands down to fight with and to overcome, the last nonthok it has fallen, with Phra Narai again.