how ExTEnSIVE IS InTERnATIonAL ACTIVITy? For each category of international activity undertaken by their clients, SMPs were asked to indicate whether the clients involved represented over 25% or under 25% of practice income – or nothing at all.
The results indicate that even where SMPs do have clients undertaking some type of international activity, these clients typically represent a relatively small proportion of practice income – less than 25%. This is true regardless of the type of international activity, applying even to the most frequent activities – importing, exporting and foreign currency dealing. Of the 952 SMPs with internationally active clients, just 16% have many clients purchasing goods or services abroad, 12% have many clients selling abroad, and 11% have many clients dealing in foreign currencyhow ExTEnSIVE IS InTERnATIonAL ACTIVITy? For each category of international activity undertaken by their clients, SMPs were asked to indicate whether the clients involved represented over 25% or under 25% of practice income – or nothing at all.
The results indicate that even where SMPs do have clients undertaking some type of international activity, these clients typically represent a relatively small proportion of practice income – less than 25%. This is true regardless of the type of international activity, applying even to the most frequent activities – importing, exporting and foreign currency dealing. Of the 952 SMPs with internationally active clients, just 16% have many clients purchasing goods or services abroad, 12% have many clients selling abroad, and 11% have many clients dealing in foreign currency