We now give a brief outline of the SuperGreen project. Its objectives concern
supporting the development of sustainable transport networks by fulfilling
requirements covering environmental, technical, economical, social and spatial
planning aspects. These will be achieved by:
• Giving overall support, and recommendations on Green Corridors to EU’s
Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan.
• Conducting a programme of networking activities between stakeholders (public
and private) and ongoing EU and other R&D projects. Networking would
facilitate information exchange, dissemination of research results and communication
of best practices and technologies at a European, national, and regional
scale, thus Adding value to ongoing programmes.
• Providing a schematic for overall benchmarking of Green Corridors based on
selected KPIs.
• Delivering a series of short- and medium-term studies addressing topics of
importance to the further development of Green Corridors.
• Offering policy recommendations at a European level for the further development
of those Corridors.
• Providing recommendations to the Commission concerning new calls for R&D
proposals to support enhancement of Green Corridors.