Thank you very much for your reply and regarding the issue I would like to inform you a little bit the system of purchase the good for government institution as follow :
1. The customer that we discuss is Government institution
2. They must purchase all good include lab instrument by tender process
3. User has to propose the proposal for approve the budget in early
4. For the specific good such as Lab instrument , formally , the manufacture or principal must have distributor or partner in Indonesia who responsible for import process, warranty , provide spare parts , etc
5. Tender will do packed combine with other instrument ( no itemize )
6. The participant of tender is local supplier , no distributor ( importer ) like us
7. The participant will support by distributor ( there is some letter in document of tender ) that must be completed and distributor must submit the Letter of Authorization ( LOA ) from manufacture ( from you ) , the sample will attached
So, especially for this customer , we do hope your cooperation and support us caused we fell that we have worked from beginning event since last 2004 ( you can see my communication with AGR ), but at the time still problem with the budget
Now , it has a chance the customer to get the budget in this fiscal year ( 2015 )
Please free to contact us for any clarification