Analysis and presentation of results
For data analysis, the interventions
identified were summarized in tables and
related the following OF NANDA-I: Urge
Urinary Incontinence, Risk of urge urinary
incontinence and urinary retention. 11-12 In
addition, we considered the proposed systems
Dorothea Orem's Theory of Self-Care Deficit,
which is suitable for nursing care for people
with spinal cord injury: I. Fully Compensatory
System: The nurse performs self-care,
compensating for the inability of the patient,
which must be supported and protected; II.
Partially Compensatory System: The nurse
supports the patient, performing some
actions, but there is bilateral action, and III.
Support System-Education: The nurse supports
self-care, but it is the patient himself who
performs the actions.
Analysis and presentation of resultsFor data analysis, the interventionsidentified were summarized in tables andrelated the following OF NANDA-I: UrgeUrinary Incontinence, Risk of urge urinaryincontinence and urinary retention. 11-12 Inaddition, we considered the proposed systemsDorothea Orem's Theory of Self-Care Deficit,which is suitable for nursing care for peoplewith spinal cord injury: I. Fully CompensatorySystem: The nurse performs self-care,compensating for the inability of the patient,which must be supported and protected; II.Partially Compensatory System: The nursesupports the patient, performing someactions, but there is bilateral action, and III.Support System-Education: The nurse supportsself-care, but it is the patient himself whoperforms the actions.
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