Batrotokmai lap tradition since the era of myth, with a story that Mr. Sumonmalakan is a Burger, he is responsible for leading Rajgir Jasmine present Bimbisara 8 measure of capacity per day, every day, and will be set once a day, one day later, kahapna 8. While he is holding the flowers into the city gate as the time Lord Buddha came out with monastic Buddhist monks alms. He saw the Buddha and then present it to admire a flower with a flower that will present the King with the idea that the death despite the death penalty acceptable. People know and can therefore take much of praise cheered. His wife is not satisfied. His wife, thus leading it to my thunphra owner phimphi communications, Bimbisara was King sodaban. In addition to this, there is also not a raging thunphra to pray the Buddha again. The Buddha has praised Mr. Sumonmalakan make Mr malakan sumon has been granted ' by Bimbisara, the elephants, horses, 8 slaves painted ornaments each binary eight. 8. real estate brokers kahapna 8 Colonel another tribute, khranklap Ananda Temple has fashioned a juicy yield told Mr. sumon malakan will receive. Therefore, he said, Mr. malakan sumon god worship life. this time I know not to come in hell forever and eternity.