Figure 6b illustrates the distribution of the maximum of the
local velocity for different Reynolds numbers at different succeeding
zigzag angles along the channel featuring s ) 400 ím. Each
data point corresponds to the maximum value of the velocity
vector calculated on a vertical path defined at each angle (Figure
6a). This value is normalized to the theoretical maximal value of
the flow in the center of a linear channel without recirculation
(Vmax ) (3/2)Vh for a flow between two plates). It is worth noting
that the velocity profile is imposed at both inlets for each Reynolds
numbers studied (curves A-E). The graph illustrates the progressive
increase of the maximum local velocity with every succeeding
angle of the microchannel. As the size of the recirculating zones
progressively increases along the channel, the effective cross
section of the main flow is reduced, and the maximum of the local