I'm playing a class that utilizes a skill (wow so informative, this prevents me from being redirected to subboards c: )
This skill lands multiple hits off of white damage and cannot crit. I have heard melee does not affect skills but this skill is basically multiple auto attacks. (pretty sure you all know what it is >_>)
It should, in theory, apply itself to the attack skill multiple times as it is basically multiple attacks in a skill but it is a skill and it may not apple melee from ultimi/maggy/dorry/variant etc.
Can anyone clear this up as to whether or not it will apply melee multiple times or not at all. (Hint: bow only skill)
Now onto the next part,
What do you guys think of Melee damage if it can be multiplied upto 8 times onto a skill vs +20% damage buff on an additional. Or do you reccomend switching amongst the rapid 1s spamming of a skill?