Matcha slowly accepted the Certificate, her eyes barely restraining the tears from flowing down her face. Quickly, I tried to soothe her, “Don’t cry, whoever cries is a puppy. This is only a Class Change Certificate, nothing more. Come on, let’s go accompany you to get your Class transfer quests over with. Since this is a SS Level hidden class, it might be difficult to accomplish.”
TL: Common saying to get people to stop crying
Matcha slowly nodded her head in joy, “Ah, yes! You’re such an amazing Boss…”
Opening the blacksmith’s door, our group of 5 walked straight towards the job instructors within the grand hall. A group of professional instructors stood there while to the side of the barracks was a group of armed soldiers practicing how to fence. This spot here may be the safest spot of Ba Huang City. All the NPCs here were high leveled, so any hostiles would be toast by the time they took a single step in here.
Not too far away, a stout man with a beard growing all over his face stood there, slapping his chest with a loud laugh, “Guardians of the Order of Life, become a Knight! You will wield magnificent weapons and cultivate a strong body that is tougher than steel as you protect those human ladies. In addition, perhaps you may even seize the one with the biggest breasts to become your wife! Haha! Become a Knight of the Holy Alliance Faction!”
Matcha’s face suddenly grew dark. Turning right round, she said, “I don’t want to transfer classes anymore…”
I quickly pulled her arm, “Hey hey, don’t be so impulsive, the instructor may be a wretched person but this doesn’t affect you personally. Go on and show him your Class Change Certificate and see what type of mission he’ll give you…”
Shivering, Matcha walked over and handed the Class Change Certificate. The Knight instructor looked at Matcha with astonishment, “Little girl, you actually managed to get your hands on an ancient letter; this is a Certificate for changing classes. This one in particular will lead you down the path of power. You…do you really wish to become a Phantom Knight? Do you really desire to hold a spear between your hands for the honor of Humans, Moon Elves, Barbarians, and Wind Elves?”
Matcha nodded with a smile, “I do!”
“So be it then!”
The Knight Instructor held out his fist and said, “Well, take your weapon to the southern jungles of Ba Huang City. You will find a Phantom Rabbit, kill it and deliver it to me along with 10,000 Gold and you will become a Phantom Knight as a reward!”
“Say what? 10,000 Gold?!” Matcha cried out loud, “No way, 10,000 Gold is too much…”
The Knight Instructor did not speak, he had already given the quest.
I pursed my lips together, “Don’t bother complaining about it, 10,000 is 10,000. Everyone pool your money together, how much do you all have?”
Wolf said, “I have a little over 1100 Gold…”
Old K muttered, “700 Gold…”
Fox waved his hand, “I took a look at the studio finances, Zhan Long has around 5900 Gold that we can spend.”
I pondered out loud, “Ah, that’s enough then, I have 3400 Gold. Give it all to Matcha so that she can transfer. This is a hidden class, it’s essential to the development of our future!”
We pooled together our money, and handed the 10,000 Gold to Matcha to hold onto for now. It was time to get out of the city and look for that Phantom Rabbit!”
Twenty minutes later after looking in the depths of the Ba Huang Forest. We arrived at where the quest had marked on the map. The group went on high alert as I beat the brushes with my sword in hopes of scaring the Phantom Rabbit out of its hiding place.
A grey blur flew out, resulting in Matcha widening her eyes, “There!”
But the rabbit dashed into the bushes once more, evading capture. Wolf held his daggers with a stern look, “Wow, this rabbit is extremely fast. Its speed almost makes it look like a phantom!”
Old K crossed his battle-axe, “Depending on where it’ll pop out next from, I’ll split the rabbit in half.”
“Fox, fire a shot into the grass. We’ll get it: and there aren’t many places where this rabbit can hide!”
“Got it!”
An explosion went off and a gray blur passed by again. I quickly lashed out with my sword and Wolf slashed with his daggers, but unfortunately, we both MISSed. Old K didn’t even have the time to swing his battle axe!
After seven or eight tries in a row, Old K got fed up and used [Whirlwind Slash] once, doing a good amount of damage and dealing the money shot to that rabbit!
With a “jiji!”, the Phantom Rabbit fell to the ground, dead. It was gray rabbit with smooth fur and Matcha, smiling, said, “It seems that I can finally make that class transfer…”
Returning to Ba Huang City, we handed over the quest item and the 10,000 Gold to the Knight Instructor. Suddenly, a golden beam of light fell onto Matcha, showing that she had successfully changed classes! She was now Zhan Long’s professional Phantom Knight!
At the same time, a message came from General Li Mu, “Xiao Yao, terrible news…”