(7) Needs for Capacity Building
Agricultural statistics in Myanmar is still in the early stage of development and Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation intends to develop its capacity in this area of data collection, analysis and dissemination of agricultural statistics. MOAI also desire to contribute wider information for food security information system in ASEAN countries by providing timely and reliable data to the member countries. to meet those destination Myanmar needs the following backup for the improvement of Food and Agriculture Statistics:
(a) The previous Agriculture Census was conducted in complete enumeration and by taking of that, SLRD would like to implement the coming census according to the guidelines established by FAO. to fulfill the wish, the international assistance is crucial for the implementation of 2010 census of Agriculture of Myanmar. Since, to provide the required information for planning and policy making in the food and agriculture sector with the aim of rising the living standard and nutritional status of the people, especially in the rural sector.
(b) Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Agriculture and SLRD are seeking opportunities to be able shift the method data collection from the reporting system to sample surveys for improvement of reliability and objectivity.
(c) Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Agriculture and SLRD also request opportunities in terms of capacity buildings projects for the improvement Agriculture Statistics and Information as there are limitation of statistical staffs in the organization.
Myanmar is now trying very hard to achieve growth and development with momentum in antenatal economic life, although, Myanmar's economy is still mainly relied on the agriculture sector and the majority of the population is rural based. Hence, Myanmar pays special attention for all-round development of the country based on agriculture sector and development of other agriculture sector as well.
Due to its resources constraints and the present situation of agriculture statistics of Myanmar, international collaboration programs are welcome for the assistance and improvement for the development of accurate and timely. Myanmar will actively take part in the formulation of those activities to make rapid achievement on the welfare and well being of the nation and on the other hand for the improvement of the agricultural system.
(7) Needs for Capacity Building
Agricultural statistics in Myanmar is still in the early stage of development and Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation intends to develop its capacity in this area of data collection, analysis and dissemination of agricultural statistics. MOAI also desire to contribute wider information for food security information system in ASEAN countries by providing timely and reliable data to the member countries. to meet those destination Myanmar needs the following backup for the improvement of Food and Agriculture Statistics:
(a) The previous Agriculture Census was conducted in complete enumeration and by taking of that, SLRD would like to implement the coming census according to the guidelines established by FAO. to fulfill the wish, the international assistance is crucial for the implementation of 2010 census of Agriculture of Myanmar. Since, to provide the required information for planning and policy making in the food and agriculture sector with the aim of rising the living standard and nutritional status of the people, especially in the rural sector.
(b) Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Agriculture and SLRD are seeking opportunities to be able shift the method data collection from the reporting system to sample surveys for improvement of reliability and objectivity.
(c) Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Agriculture and SLRD also request opportunities in terms of capacity buildings projects for the improvement Agriculture Statistics and Information as there are limitation of statistical staffs in the organization.
Myanmar is now trying very hard to achieve growth and development with momentum in antenatal economic life, although, Myanmar's economy is still mainly relied on the agriculture sector and the majority of the population is rural based. Hence, Myanmar pays special attention for all-round development of the country based on agriculture sector and development of other agriculture sector as well.
Due to its resources constraints and the present situation of agriculture statistics of Myanmar, international collaboration programs are welcome for the assistance and improvement for the development of accurate and timely. Myanmar will actively take part in the formulation of those activities to make rapid achievement on the welfare and well being of the nation and on the other hand for the improvement of the agricultural system.
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