Abstract This study has been conducted to investigate the influences of sand addition and mixing
waters with different ratios on the physico-mechanical properties of magnesium oxychloride cement
(MOC) masonry units. Three mixtures (M, MI and MII) were prepared to make magnesium oxychloride
cement from the sand dunes as a filler material with some different additives. The mixture
(M) was prepared by seawater instead of tap water in the mixing process, other mixtures (MI &
MII) used drinking water. The physico-mechanical properties were studied in means of determination
of bulk density, water absorption and compressive strength of the hardened MOC specimens
cured in air at the lab ambient conditions for 3, 7, and 28 days. It was recognized that the compressive
strengths decreased with the increase of sand dunes content. The specimens of the all cured mixtures
fulfilled superior properties compared with the required limits for concrete and limestone
masonry units of a heavy density type. Also, it was found that using of the seawater leads to
increase the physico-mechanical properties of the MOC specimens and can be used as mixing water
in the manufacture of masonry units instead of the traditional drink water after ensuring of the
other demanded governing properties.
ฉันต้องใช้ภาษาอังกฤษถูกหลักไวยากรณ์Abstract This study has been conducted to investigate the influences of sand addition and mixingwaters with different ratios on the physico-mechanical properties of magnesium oxychloride cement(MOC) masonry units. Three mixtures (M, MI and MII) were prepared to make magnesium oxychloridecement from the sand dunes as a filler material with some different additives. The mixture(M) was prepared by seawater instead of tap water in the mixing process, other mixtures (MI &MII) used drinking water. The physico-mechanical properties were studied in means of determinationof bulk density, water absorption and compressive strength of the hardened MOC specimenscured in air at the lab ambient conditions for 3, 7, and 28 days. It was recognized that the compressivestrengths decreased with the increase of sand dunes content. The specimens of the all cured mixturesfulfilled superior properties compared with the required limits for concrete and limestonemasonry units of a heavy density type. Also, it was found that using of the seawater leads toincrease the physico-mechanical properties of the MOC specimens and can be used as mixing waterin the manufacture of masonry units instead of the traditional drink water after ensuring of theother demanded governing properties.
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