Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Chapter 4
Telecommunications, the Internet, Intranets, and Extranets
Principles and Learning Objectives
•A telecommunications system has many fundamental components that must be carefully selected and work together effectively to enable people to meet personal and organization objectives
–Identify and describe the fundamental components of a telecommunications system
–Identify several network types and describe the uses and limitations of each
–Name three basic processing alternatives for organizations that require two or more computer systems and discuss their fundamental features
Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition
2 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives (continued)
•The Internet provides a critical infrastructure for delivering and accessing information and services
–Briefly describe how the Internet works, including alternatives for connecting to it and the role of Internet service providers
Principles and Learning Objectives (continued)
•Originally developed as a document-management system, the World Wide Web has grown to become a primary source of news and information, an indispensible conduit for commerce, and a popular hub for social interaction, entertainment, and communication
–Describe how the World Wide Web works and the use of Web browsers, search engines, and other Web tools
Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives (continued)
•The Internet and Web provide numerous resources for finding information, communicating and collaborating, socializing, conducting business and shopping, and being entertained
–Identify and briefly describe several applications associated with the Internet and the Web
–Outline a process and identify tools used to create Web content
Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives (continued)
•Popular Internet and Web technologies have been applied to business networks in the form of intranets and extranets
–Define the terms intranet and extranet and discuss how organizations are using them
–Identify several issues associated with the use of networks
Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Why Learn About Telecommunicationsand Networks?
•Among all business functions:
–Supply chain management might use telecommunications and networks the most
•Regardless of your chosen career field:
–You will need the communications capabilities provided by telecommunications and networks
Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition
7 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition
An Overview of Telecommunications
–Electronic transmission of signals for communications
•Telecommunications medium:
–Any material substance that carries an electronic signal to support communications between a sending and receiving device
Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition