Most facilities’ property is surveyed prior to construction to be certain that the land is not part of any flood plain. Studies of previous floods are maintained by state, city, and county engineering departments. Some land areas may be built on what is called a “100-year flood plain”. Stated simply, this means the statistical probability that the land that is part of this plain will flood, on average, one time every 100 years. Other studies may indicate various areas of land that will flood more often.
In recent years, companies have gone to great lengths to ensure their buildings are not built on flood plains. The costs associated with floods, including business interruption and damaged products, are significant. Often, companies are unable to obtain flood insurance or, if they can, the insurance is very expensive.
However, even with proper building construction planning, it is obvious that not all facilities are protected from flooding. Once again, as with any potential emergency, pre-emergency planning is essential!
What is the likelihood of a flood at this location?
If early warning is given, what steps can be taken to minimize loss?
Can water be blocked using sandbags or other equipment?
Can product be protected or should it be moved off-site?
If a flood occurs, will employees be unable to come to work or to leave the facility?