Abstract- This research enhanced two major processes of the
previous work of the offline Thai handwritten character
recognition using hybrid techniques of heuristic rules and neural
network system. The proposed functions are mainly in 1) Feature
extraction enhancement to improve the feature conflct resolution
rule and the specialized neural network-based zigzag feature
extraction. These functions are used to refie the conflct features
and zigzag patterns; 2) Neural network-based recognition.
Specifially, a neural network technique improves the capabilities
of the recognition process to handle various styles of writing. The
result showed that the additional feature conflct resolution rule
could achieve the feature extraction rate of 87.85% (increased
2.13%), the feature extraction rate of the specialized neural
network-based zigzag extraction could achieve 90.48% (increased
47.9%) and the recognition rate of the neural network-based
recognition which combine both of the two proposed feature
extraction functions could achieve 92.78% (increased 9.77%).