PM is a focused field and there are specific journals ded-icated to PM research such asProject Management Journal, International Journal of Project Management, and the newInternational Journal of Managing Projects in Business, as well as construction management related journals such as Journal of Construction Engineering and Management and Journal of Management in Engineering published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, Construction Management and Economics published in the UK, and technology management related journals such as Technova-tion, R&D Management, and Research Policy. However, to establish a strong foundation in the management field, we thought that it was essential that we review journal papers that are not published in the PM research domain but rather in key management disciplines and analyze the trends of PM research in the allied disciplines from the management research viewpoint.
As a result, we selected as our primary data set the fol-lowing 18 top academic mainstream research journals (the 16 journals in the FT40 list are designated with an asterisk (*)):