5. Conclusions
The specialized researchers, the Municipality Administration Services and concerned citizens, can easily use this GIS application. As information and communication technologies (ICTs) are key elements supporting the management planning in every service activity, using this GIS application in urban forestry management planning, can help urban forest managers to achieve exploiting green areas providing great environmental services to the citizens. Benefits such as climate change mitigation, water control (irrigation needs, flood retention assessment), pollutant reduction, phytoremediation and energy saving can be gained for the whole urban and peri urban society.
This specific application includes open source code, which can be upgraded in the future when new management techniques will come to the front. It is compatible to various software platforms so that in the future data can be broadly disseminated. At last using many new technology applications such as Internet, i-Pads and i-Phones for gathering information and communicate at once with multiple users, make this application easily transmitted and operated. Conclusively this GIS application is an appropriate tool for Municipality Administration Services in cooperation with researchers and concerned citizens, for seriously contribution to a better management of urban forest providing metropolitan people better living conditions.
5. Conclusions
The specialized researchers, the Municipality Administration Services and concerned citizens, can easily use this GIS application. As information and communication technologies (ICTs) are key elements supporting the management planning in every service activity, using this GIS application in urban forestry management planning, can help urban forest managers to achieve exploiting green areas providing great environmental services to the citizens. Benefits such as climate change mitigation, water control (irrigation needs, flood retention assessment), pollutant reduction, phytoremediation and energy saving can be gained for the whole urban and peri urban society.
This specific application includes open source code, which can be upgraded in the future when new management techniques will come to the front. It is compatible to various software platforms so that in the future data can be broadly disseminated. At last using many new technology applications such as Internet, i-Pads and i-Phones for gathering information and communicate at once with multiple users, make this application easily transmitted and operated. Conclusively this GIS application is an appropriate tool for Municipality Administration Services in cooperation with researchers and concerned citizens, for seriously contribution to a better management of urban forest providing metropolitan people better living conditions.
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