What is CSR? Corporate Social Responsibility is about how companies manage the business
process to produce an overall positive impact on societies takes into account the 3P’s. Reasons why
business engage in CSR? Include to build a reputation , lead to cost savings, reduce risk of future
liability, create a better working environment (Daft, 2014).
Core values “I can do” include integrity (fairness/mutual trust), caring (host/guests/
communities), attitude (positive thinking) never say no to customers, natural, and development.
Vision top5 goal uniqueness include happy host, happy guests, happy owner, maintain and improve
standard, and happy communities. Evason CSR activities. 8 Happier programs include happy body,
happy heart, happy relax, happy brain, happy soul, happy money, happy family, and happy society.
Resort award Include World Travel Awards 2012 , Trip Advisor Awards 2013 , and Trip Advisor
Awards 2014 (slideshare, 2014).