Pomegranate seeds were obtained from Huiyuan Fruit Juice
Company (Xinjiang, China); and were ground to 0.3–0.9 mm by a
high-speed mill (Model HY-200, BeijingHuanya Scientific Ltd., China).
Moisture content was determined by drying samples (10 g) at 100±
0.5 °C until constant weight and the moisture was 4.05%. The seed
powder was defatted using supercritical CO2by a Hua'an supercritical
fluid apparatus (Model HA220-50-06, Nantong, China) at a pressure of
37.9 MPa and temperature of 47 °C with aflow rate of 21.3 l/h (Liu
et al., 2009), the residues were stored in the dark at an ambient
temperature until use.