4 Results
4-1 Test Multicollinearity:
To test the independence of each variable of the independent variables, was tested data independent variables to
make sure they are free of the phenomenon link multiple linear, by the method of factor amplifying the contrast
(Variance Inflationary Factor) (VIF), was to extract the value of VIF to test whether there is an overlap between
the independent variables in each of the hypotheses first and second, where if the value is less than VIF (5%),
this indicates the absence of any Multicolleniarity lack of overlap between the variables so as to ensure that the
affected variable on another variable
This is illustrated by the following table:
other ways to make up the shortfall in liquidity, and going their daily activities by borrowing, or the issuance of
bonds, thus increasing the risk is greater, because facility will bear the cost of larger pay interest on the loans,
and the probability of failure the possibility of repayment of these loans in a timely manner, as well as lack of
liquidity leads to the loss of investment opportunities, and missed opportunities for cash discounts when you
buy, and the loss of the entity's ability to sell on credit liquidation of certain investments, and assets at an
inconvenient time. (Shawawrah, 2013, p50). All of these reasons, whether individually or combined entity could
lead to financial hardship may not be exceeded and ultimately lead to the failure of the facility and exit from the