Mike (46)Manchester, Manchester, อังกฤษ
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Hi chayanuch
หัวข้อ: Hi chayanuch
My names Mike, loved your smile, it lit up your profile which I also enjoyed reading. I would really like the chance to get to know you more, if you feel the same please message me and I can tell you more about why a man from England is on this dating site.
Hey I think I'm a really interesting guy who's lived, loved and travelled and has a heart full of hope and who's glass is always full.....test me Chayanuch and I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
Hope to hear from you, Mike :-)
Mike ๙ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๘ ๓:๒๒ น. แปลภาษารายงานการใช้งานในทางที่ผิด
Hi Mike
How are you to day? thank you for compliment.my smile. I am not good in typing English but I try to answer must as must if I can ..
And I really want to know you more..
if you want to know me i Happy to answer every questions.. please asks me..
Glad to know you Mike..^^
Take care
๙ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๘ ๕:๓๙ น.
Do you have a nickname?
I understand if your English is not so good, it is better than my Thai (he he) and we can work on making it better if you like ;-)
Well why don't we share information about each other and see where we go?
I'll tell you about me....I would like to live in Thailand in 2 years time and visit every 10 weeks for 2-3 weeks to look at places in Thailand since this year. I have been 4 times to Thailand and love the culture, food, people and places I have visited. My favourite place so far is Hua Hin.
I would like to chat with you more and have a line ID michaelheap1967 and work email mike.heap@hannan-uk.com please message me if you would like to talk more Chayanuch.
Take care....Mike ;-)
Mike ๙ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๘ ๑๖:๑๘ น. แปลภาษารายงานการใช้งานในทางที่ผิด
Hi Mike
๙ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๘ ๑๘:๐๗ น.
Hi Mike
Yes I do have my Nickname it is Kung (sound like GOONG)
Yes I would like to share my information about myself to you... I have work 6 days a week I am a data entry at a impot export company. I spent a lot my time at my work I love my job I have worked in this company nearly 10 years... I live a quiet life when I have holiday from work I use to spend time alone in my room and get ready to work again on next day.. (.quite boring life )
I had my best friends 2 people we study the same school and we also worked the same company.. but now all of my best friends they have a good life in Australia and In Germany I am very Happy with my friends.. we still keep in touch.. that make me feel not so lonely anymore...
and I Happy to chat with you Mike ^^
I will add you in my line ^^…
Talk care...