The processing of a molybdenum AISI M2 high speed steel with the addition of NbC
(6% in mass) by a Powder Metallurgy technique of Mechanical Alloying is the aim of this work.
Mechanical Alloying (MA) has been used primarily for particle size reduction, to its present status as an important method for the preparation of either materials with enhanced physical and
mechanical properties or, indeed, new phases, or new engineering materials. In this work, niobium carbide (NbC) was added to the AISI M2 HSS powders by Mechanical Alloying technique in two different types of attritor mills and the materials which resulted were characterized by means of SEM plus EDS. The powders were processed in a horizontal attritor Zoz mill and in a vertical attritor mill developed in our laboratory. The parameters of milling were distinct and the results of the processing were compared.