I have now received the comments by three referees on your manuscript.
While all reviewers are positive, think that it is a good basic study
that should be published, and recommend publication after major
revisions, there is some concern with respect to completeness of the
dataset and of the discussion/species comparison and I agree.
Especially, plates with micrographs of the investigated species/strains
need to be included in the main manuscript, as well as other information
now in the appendix. Key morphometric data for all strains should be
provided. Additional toxicity data would be advantageous. The reference
list needs revision. The language needs to be checked/improved by a
native speaker or professional before publication (best before
resubmission) and one reviewer should be acknowledged for starting this
improvement already.
Please consider the comments listed below carefully and let me have your
response at your earliest convenience.
I thank you for giving Phycological Research an opportunity to consider
your manuscript for publication and hope the above comments are helpful
for you.