Moisture content: The moisture content of samples was
determined (in triplicate) using hot-air oven method at 105°C
for constant weight 17. Prior to moisture content analysis, samples
were ground into coarse powder and mixed thoroughly. Crucibles
and lids were dried in oven (Memmert Model 500 ULM,
Schwabach, Germany) at 105°C for constant weight. Crucibles
were weighed without lid after attained room temperature. Samples
(2 g) were placed in crucible and dried in the oven at 105°C for
constant weight. After that, the crucibles were transferred directly
to the desiccators and cooled in the desiccators. Soon after
attaining room temperature, the weight of crucible was measured.
The loss on drying (LD) was reported as the moisture content
(%)27 :