The Socio-Economic Development Strategy (SEDS) 2011-2020 gives attention to structural reforms, environmental sustainability, social equity, and emerging issues of macroeconomic stability. It defines three "breakthrough areas":
(i) promoting human resources/skills development (particularly skills for modern industry and innovation),
(ii) improving market institutions,
(iii) infrastructure development
A five-year Socio-Economic Development Plan (SEDP 2011-2015) elaborated objectives for the first five years of the SEDS and identifies the specific measures and resources that are needed to achieve high quality and sustainable economic growth, including: the need to restructure the economy to increase the share of high value-adding economic activities; improve the living standards of ethnic minority populations; strengthen environmental protection; and mitigate and prevent the adverse impacts of climate change. The country has completed review of this 5 year plan and is preparing the next 5 year plan, 2016 – 2020 to achieve the targets set in the 10-year strategy.