The majority of students commented that nothing should be deleted or changed. Those that listed
something generally indicated an item that they felt was not applicable to them.We added the public
transportation option in the budgeting section based on earlier feedback to this question; students
who planned to live in a large city commented that buying a car was unrealistic.
Do you have any additional comments?
○ This is one of the most helpful things I have done since coming to college. I can use this information
now in my own life.
○ The budget project allowed me to understand and experience the importance of certain aspects
of budgeting. Although just a sophomore, I feel much better prepared for my future having been
exposed to this project.
○ I learned a tremendous amount and will make different financial decisions after college as a result.
○ The inclusion of the budget spreadsheet for us to use for our personal benefit is fantastic. I will
definitely be utilizing that.
○ This is one of the most useful and applicable assignments I have ever had.
○ This project was really helpful for me because as a senior I am going to have to start worrying about
all of this soon and how I have a better sense of what to look for and how to plan ahead.
○ All seniors should have to do a version of this project.
○ Prof. very helpful in assisting class with easy to comprehend, well written, step by step instructions.
○ It was a great opportunity to get thinking about my payment schedule after I graduate and I talked
to my parents about this project, which made it actually feel real.
○ This project was a fun and useful application of accounting and finance principles to a real-life
○ Very useful and informative
○ Loved the project!