Eisenia foetida can be bred in a wide range of animal wastes. The recommended breeding
medium is a 50:50 mixture of horse or cattle manure and peat, but other animal wastes are also
suitable. The medium should be of pH about 7.0, have low ionic conductivity (less than
6.0 milli-Siemens) and not be contaminated excessively with ammonia or animal urine. Wooden
breeding boxes of about 50 x 50 x 15 cm with tightly fitting lids are ideal for large-scale
breeding and can produce more than 1000 worms in six weeks. To produce sufficient worms,
such a medium will support up to 1 kg worms in 20 kg waste and each worm will weigh up
to 1 g. To obtain worms of standard age and weight, it is best to start the culture with cocoons
which take three to four weeks to hatch and seven to eight weeks to become mature worms at