4. Involving the organization: Spreading the learning beyond the core team Based on their success, the members of the core team decided to involve other teams: In the last year or so, we've brought five or six more teams into the learning labs. We waited a long time before we conducted the second one. We wanted to convince ourselves that this process would work, We also needed our top management support in r to continue funding the project. They were order reluctant initially, until we presented some of the results and benefits of the project to them. (Senge et al 1994: 559) Relating this description of the learning laboratory to our conceptual framework, s that this tool is aimed at the group level or, depending on the problem to be solved, at the organizational level. With regard o learning types we argue that learning la boratories typically support the development of capabilities for double-loop leaming and deuteron-learning. The learning mode is action learning, for specific experiences are considered to be the triggers of the learning process.