3.2. Measures
Standard scales were used in this study and measured on a 5
point Likert scale ranging from 1 ¼ Strongly Disagree to
5 ¼ Strongly Agree. Access to training was measured using the 3
item scale developed by Bartlett (2001). Cronbach's a reliability
for this scale is 0.757. Benefits from training were measured using
the 12item scale adopted from a study by Bulut and Culha (2010),
which was originally taken from a study by Noe and Wilk (1993).
Cronbach's a reliability value for this scale is 0.953. Support for
training was measured using a 6item scale modified by Bulut and
Culha (2010) based on a scale adopted from Bartlett (2001) and Noe
and Wilk (1993). Cronbach's a reliability value for this scale is
0.902. In order to measure organizational commitment, a scale of
one of its components, i.e., ‘affective commitment (AC)’, was used,