According to the investigated record on carrying
capacity in the fields, the improvement of natural grass
productivity and introduction of St. Augustine grass and
signal grass increased the number of animals (animal unit
= au, 1 au is equal to 1 cow or 14 heads of sheep) kept by
farmers, who can afford to harvest the herbages of 0.57
au/ha from tegalan, 0.82 au/ha from oil palm plantation, 0.95
au/ha from rubber plantation, and 0.71 au/ha from Albizia
plantation, respectively.
According to the series of fi eld works we have made, it
can be concluded that the increase in population of animal
ruminants in Java will be possible and successful if the
integrated cultivation we have proposed is introduced in
particular non-pasture lands for forage production and the
improvement of management of natural grasses in plantations
is conducted.
BPS. 2002. Provinsi Dalam Angka. Bir