If you go to somewhere such as in a sky train, you can see most people have their world with their mobile phones. We can say that mobile phones give them independence. Some people say that it waste time to use mobile phone such as playing games. In the other hand, if they think about positive uses for the mobile phone, maybe they will change their mind. Most phones have calculators built right into the phone so they can determine whether they are getting the right change back from a purchase. Phones can also be a source of entertainment, especially when waiting for an appointment or when they are on a long car or bus trip. All mobile phones have some free games that come with the phone. Furthermore, they have a clock to tell the time. You can download music and movies. You also can check the weather forecast for the city you are in, so you can make decision about what to wear or the method of transit. This is the reason why it is important to have mobile phones.