It has been reported that antioxidant power of polyphosphates
would be less or lost when polyphosphates are broken down to orthophosphates (Ang & Young, 1989). Our results confirmed the findings of Ang and Young (1989), because encapsulation decreased orthophosphate and TBARS formation in our study.
The slightly higher TBARS were obtained from chicken samples that underwent slowheating rate, dissimilar to beef samples,where heating rate did not affect the level of TBARS. Chen et al. (1984) reported that slow heating released more nonheme iron from the polyphyrin rings and fast heating could cause the myoglobin molecules to coagulate in such a way that the heme iron was unable to release from the polyphyrin rings. Thus, slow heating rate might contribute more for development of enhanced lipid oxidation in chicken samples than slow heating rate due to reasons described by Chen et al. (1984).