Drug addiction is a complex illness.
It is characterized by intense and, at times,
uncontrollable drug craving, along with compulsive drug
seeking and use that persist even in the face of devastating
consequences. This update of the National Institute on
Drug Abuse’s Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment is
intended to address addiction to a wide variety of drugs,
including nicotine, alcohol, and illicit and prescription
drugs. It is designed to serve as a resource for healthcare
providers, family members, and other stakeholders trying
to address the myriad problems faced by patients in need
of treatment for drug abuse or addiction.
Addiction affects multiple brain circuits, including
those involved in reward and motivation, learning and
memory, and inhibitory control over behavior. That is
why addiction is a brain disease. Some individuals are
more vulnerable than others to becoming addicted,
depending on the interplay between genetic makeup, age
While a person initially chooses to take drugs, over time
the effects of prolonged exposure on brain functioning
compromise that ability to choose, and seeking and
consuming the drug become compulsive, often eluding
a person’s self-control or willpower.