After early explorers had discovered every land mass, sailors had sailed every sea and mountaineers had climbed the highest mountains, it seemed that there was nothing left for the modern adventurer to do. So, men turned their thoughts to space.
People had talked, about the idea of traveling through space for years. Many had the dream of walking on the moon. With the rapid progress of science and technology, the dream became reality. On a historic day in July 1969, a man walked on the moon.
The preparations for this trip to the moon had begun years before. Astronauts had already flown around the earth many times and had "walked" in space. But the moon launch was a more complex and daring adventure.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) chose three men for the trip: Neil Armstrong. Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. They trained for a long times. Their space-craft, Apollo 11 was launched to send them the 350,000 km. to the moon.
The journey proceeded without any trouble and soon the space ship was flying around the moon. Then it separated into two parts: in one, Collins continued to orbit the moon; in the other, Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon. The historic moment had arrived. Neil Armstrong opened the door of the spaceship, stepped out and became the first human being to walk on the moon.