If you could get one ‘do-over’ in life, what would it be and why? ”
I'm already 19.It's the age that is old enough to be wised or something.In fact, I'm still very childish from time to time and of course I have done the things that I wish I could have a time machine to come back in time and undone whatever I have already done.
But there is one particular thing if I could have a chance to do- over , I would do it right away. It was the time when I was in high school.I was so upset that I couldn't get into my favorite high school for gift student even I just needed 0.5 more point to pass the entrance exam so I was so mad at myself that my mood even effected everyone around me. At that time, I even thought about stay at home 1 more year just to study to get into that school.But my mom was worried about my behavior , she was so scared that I even be able to hurt myself so she forced me to go to the high school near my house.I did not want to go.I just locked myself in my room and whenever my mom talked about that I cried out loud. But I could resist no longer. I have to go to school. I have to make communication with people , I have to make new friends.She wants me to have a normal life again.
After I registered in my highschool, she was right.I was almost had a normal life. I even can find my BFF here.But because of my past , I always regreted about it , I always thought about it all the time and whenever someone reminds me something even a little bit, I could shed a tear immediately.
I still have some good time and good memories when I was in high school but because I always looked back at the past , I couldn't moved on so I didn't have the best time I supposed to have.And now when I become an university student I realised that I should have enjoyed every moment I lived and studied there so I can share my best memories ever whenever my friends told me about what they have done in high school.
That is the reason why if I could have a chance to do-over one thing in life , I would be simple that I wanna go back when I was in high school and live a life that is more positive that I used to have.I won't wish to go back the time before that to get into the high school I used to like because I won't have a chance to meet many lovely people in my school.If I can go back when I was in high school, I will make more friends , I will laugh more often , I will live my life the fullest.And I won't never let my mom worries about me anymore.
But after all that, I still like the time I had when I was in high school. That time, I realised where my heart actually is , I still have hope and dream and a long life ahead to live and most importantly I find my best friend there.That is the best thing ever happen to me and whatever happen I will never want to lose that.