I always go on OH to check on SNSD's thread so I stumbled upon that thread but I decided to brush it off and didn't post it here cause I felt it was pathetic. Then I saw that it had a lot of replies and decided to read every replies which I felt was inappropriate already because they were dragging LSG into Yoona's health issues and how Yoona's been less energetic or happy since she's with LSG and how they're comparing Yoona IGAB era when she's been linked with jonghyun saying she's happier then and maybe the revelation of Yoongi's relationship put her in a lot of pressure hence her weight problem.. So I decided to post there. This is what I wrote..
"It's so funny how people are quick to relate Yoona's health issue to LSG. If you're a fan of Yoona like me most probably you already know that she talked about it in the best album how at times she thinks what if she leaves SNSD maybe she'll be healthier cause SNSD's schedule requires a lot of energy but most of the time they're sleep deprived. Plus there's an account on SNS saying he/she saw them frequently going to the gym together so seeing Yoona's airport pictures
last time I think she gained a bit of weight already.. And I'm happy she's getting a lot of rest before she starts shooting her movie.
Now the argument when they started dating I actually don't buy their agency's "4 months" based on Lee teuk's recent interview on radio star its suggesting it might be longer than 4 months. Both of them are not in their teens anymore at their age I think they're on a more serious relationship so I think if they encounter problems like these they know for sure what's the best way to deal with this kind of problem. And I think LSG is not that shallow to end their relationship just because of that petty issue.