15The amplified ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 region of theselected isolates (GenBank accession number: KF697163)was sequenced and compared with the ITS sequences oforganisms represented in the NCBI GenBank database byusing a BLAST search and DNAMAN to generate a phyloge-netic tree (Fig. 2) by Neighbor-joining method. The sequencesthat showed E = 0.0 and the highest % similarity with theamplified sequences were included for alignment and boot-strapping using CLUSTALX. The phylogenetic relation of thisisolate to related fungi is shown in Fig. 2. Thus, this strainwas identified as C. globosum of Chaetomium sp. based on itsmorphological characteristics and the rDNA sequencing of itsregion data. Chaetomium sp. is cosmopolitan in distributionand it represents a considerable microorganismal resource.