Using our method, because you can get a whole view of
the webpage to some extent by VIPS algorithm, then you can
make full use of this information to supervise the process of
the content extraction and recall the lost sentences. Just as
well, to a certain extent, you extract the content as a whole.
From the experiment we conduct, we can also see that
almost all the lost sentences in traditional method are
recalled using our method.
In this paper, we present a method using VIPS algorithm
to improve the performance of webpage content extraction,
our method overcomes the shortcoming of the traditional
Using our method, because you can get a whole view ofthe webpage to some extent by VIPS algorithm, then you canmake full use of this information to supervise the process ofthe content extraction and recall the lost sentences. Just aswell, to a certain extent, you extract the content as a whole.From the experiment we conduct, we can also see thatalmost all the lost sentences in traditional method arerecalled using our method.IV. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we present a method using VIPS algorithmto improve the performance of webpage content extraction,our method overcomes the shortcoming of the traditional
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