The highest mean yield of 4.08 t ha21 fresh pods was obtained in the field
for the optimum treatment (20 t RHA ha21 and 20 mg P kg21) against
2.67 t ha21 in the control (0 t RHA ha21 and 0 kg P ha21) as shown in
Table 8. Earlier, the highest mean yield of 1.24 t ha21 fresh fruits was also
obtained in the potted okra only at the rate of 20 t RHA ha21 even when
the RHA rate was increased to 40 t ha21 (Table 7). Although the CV was
very high (62.62%), the said treatment level had an additional advantage of
neutralizing soil acidity and significantly increasing soil pH. In the field
(Table 8), RHA as a single treatment gave its highest yield at 10 t ha21
(without P). Adding P at 20 mg kg21 to this level of RHA reduced the yield
by about 50–70%. In addition, the earliest fresh fruit (harvested at 45 DAP) was recorded in same plot (given treatment: 10 t RHA ha21 without P), thus
indicating that RHA helps in early yield of okra.