Technical and physical structure strategies
Strategies affecting the physical location (e.g. production, inventory-keeping, etc.) and geographical extent (e.g. supply base, sourcing, distribution, etc.) of supply chain processes, which determine the overall physical structure of the supply chain and the logistics system. (Spatial concentration/de-concentration of inventory, centralisation/de-centralisation of production, on-/off-/nearshoring of production, flexible supply base, E-commerce/-procurement, etc.).
Organisational and administrative strategies
Strategies affecting the way business processes in the supply chain are managed and performed, the extent and depth of relationships between supply chain partners, and the roles undertaken by the various supply chain partners in the execution of supply chain processes. (Collaboration between supply chain partners/supply chain integration, vertical integration, postponement (product form, logistical), outsourcing, supply chain agility/adaptability, etc.).
Product and information flow strategies
Strategies affecting the direction, extent and depth of product flows along the various supply chain processes and the associated flows of information across supply chain partners (Reverse logistics (production/logistics), ICT/Information sharing, multimodality, etc.).
Logistic trends affect freight transport demand and supply characteristics127, but also demand and supply for logistics services. The performance of the logistics system is determined by the interaction between demand and supply. Demand trends refer to the evolution of demand characteristics for logistics services such as quantities transported, distances over which transportation/distribution takes place, size of shipments, inventory levels, demand for external (third-party) logistics services providers (3PL), demand for different types of 3PL services, demand for value-added services (e.g. aftermarket), etc. Supply trends refer to the evolution of supply characteristics of logistics services, including vehicle characteristics, service provision (e.g. number of 3PL service providers) and infrastructure characteristics (e.g. development of transport corridor and terminal infrastructure, and development of infrastructure for cargo handling, size/area and location of warehouse/storage facilities).
Following the identification of external factors and logistic strategies by means of the mentioned literature and sources, the following 14 logistic strategies/trends were considered to be relevant for and within the logistic sector at present and in future.
Onshoring is the counterpart to offshoring and denotes the (re)location of operations back to the market. The reasons for that are various, such as increased flexibility, better market access, avoidance of high transport costs, etc. This term has to be clearly distinguished from the term insourcing, which is related to the reintegration of an activity into the company. Insourcing is also often referred to as vertical integration.
Offshoring denotes the (re)location of operations, especially production processes, abroad in a country where operational costs such as labour costs are lower. For the sake of reducing the negative side-effects of operational costs, such as increasing transportation costs, longer lead times, etc. are accepted. Offshoring has to be distinguished from the term outsourcing, which means that an external party supplies an activity. Outsourcing is therefore related to a change in the organisational structure of a company, whereby offshoring is related to the geographical dispersion of a company. Typical offshore regions are located in Asia.
คำนิยามกลยุทธ์โครงสร้างทางกายภาพ และทางเทคนิคกลยุทธ์ที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อที่ตั้งทางกายภาพ (เช่นการผลิต สินค้าคงคลังที่เก็บ ฯลฯ) และภูมิศาสตร์ขอบเขต (เช่นฐานซัพพลาย จัดหา จัดจำหน่าย ฯลฯ) ของซัพพลายเชนกระบวนการ ซึ่งกำหนดโครงสร้างทางกายภาพโดยรวมของโซ่อุปทานและระบบโลจิสติกส์ (พื้นที่เข้ม ข้น/de-concentration ของสินค้าคง คลัง centralisation/de-centralisation ผลิต -เปิด / ปิด- / nearshoring การผลิต ความยืดหยุ่นอุปทานพื้นฐาน อีคอมเมิร์ซ/ -จัดซื้อ ฯลฯ .)Organisational และบริหารกลยุทธ์กลยุทธ์ที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อวิธีจัดการ และดำเนินการกระบวนการทางธุรกิจในห่วงโซ่อุปทาน ขอบเขตและความลึกของความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างอุปทานโซ่คู่ และบทบาทที่ดำเนินการ โดยพันธมิตรห่วงโซ่อุปทานต่าง ๆ ในการดำเนินการของกระบวนการห่วงโซ่อุปทาน (ความร่วมมือระหว่างรวมโซ่อุปทานโซ่คู่/จัดหา รวมแนวตั้ง เลื่อน (ฟอร์มผลิตภัณฑ์ logistical), จ้าง จัดหาโซ่ความว่องไว/หลากหลาย ฯลฯ)ข้อมูลผลิตภัณฑ์และขั้นตอนกลยุทธ์กลยุทธ์ที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อทิศทาง ขอบเขตและความลึกของผลิตภัณฑ์ขั้นตอนตามกระบวนการห่วงโซ่อุปทานต่าง ๆ และขั้นตอนการเชื่อมโยงข้อมูลระหว่างพันธมิตรโซ่ (ย้อนโลจิสติกส์ (ผลิต/โลจิสติกส์), ICT/ข้อมูล ที่ใช้ร่วมกัน multimodality ฯลฯ)Logistic trends affect freight transport demand and supply characteristics127, but also demand and supply for logistics services. The performance of the logistics system is determined by the interaction between demand and supply. Demand trends refer to the evolution of demand characteristics for logistics services such as quantities transported, distances over which transportation/distribution takes place, size of shipments, inventory levels, demand for external (third-party) logistics services providers (3PL), demand for different types of 3PL services, demand for value-added services (e.g. aftermarket), etc. Supply trends refer to the evolution of supply characteristics of logistics services, including vehicle characteristics, service provision (e.g. number of 3PL service providers) and infrastructure characteristics (e.g. development of transport corridor and terminal infrastructure, and development of infrastructure for cargo handling, size/area and location of warehouse/storage facilities).Following the identification of external factors and logistic strategies by means of the mentioned literature and sources, the following 14 logistic strategies/trends were considered to be relevant for and within the logistic sector at present and in future.DescriptionOn-/off-/nearshoringOnshoring is the counterpart to offshoring and denotes the (re)location of operations back to the market. The reasons for that are various, such as increased flexibility, better market access, avoidance of high transport costs, etc. This term has to be clearly distinguished from the term insourcing, which is related to the reintegration of an activity into the company. Insourcing is also often referred to as vertical integration.Offshoring denotes the (re)location of operations, especially production processes, abroad in a country where operational costs such as labour costs are lower. For the sake of reducing the negative side-effects of operational costs, such as increasing transportation costs, longer lead times, etc. are accepted. Offshoring has to be distinguished from the term outsourcing, which means that an external party supplies an activity. Outsourcing is therefore related to a change in the organisational structure of a company, whereby offshoring is related to the geographical dispersion of a company. Typical offshore regions are located in Asia.
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