Chapter 9
Green Corridors in European Surface
Freight Logistics
Harilaos N. Psaraftis, Atle Minsaas, George Panagakos,
Christopher Pålsson and Ilkka Salanne
Abstract In the European Commission’s Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan
of 2007, a number of short- to medium-term actions are presented that will help
Europe address its current and future challenges, and ensure a competitive and
sustainable freight transport system there. One action is the ‘‘Green transport
corridors for freight’’. A Green Corridor is characterized by a concentration of
freight traffic between major hubs and by relatively long distances of transport.
Green Corridors should in all ways be environmentally friendly, safe and efficient.
Green technologies and smart utilization of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT), where available, may even improve those corridors. Where
not available, new R&D may be required to further develop what is needed. Given
the above policy goals, project ‘‘SuperGreen’’ has been launched. This is Coordination
and Support Action co-funded by the European Commission in the
context of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological
Development, and coordinated by the National Technical University of Athens.
The project involves 22 partners from 13 European countries. The purpose of this
chapter is to address the key issues involved in the development of Green
Corridors for European Freight Logistics, describe the SuperGreen project, and
give an overview of main results to date.