propose that employees’ perceptions of distributive justice, trust in management and job
security are related to the organisational experience of POS and affective commitment,
which affect turnover intention and, in turn, to job performance. In the following
sections, we discuss the concepts of turnover intention, POS and affective commitment.
We explain the methodology in detail, followed by the empirical analyses and results.
Finally, we conclude the paper and discuss the theoretical and practical implications
generated by the research results.
Wepropose that employees’ perceptions of distributive justice, trust in management and jobsecurity are related to the organisational experience of POS and affective commitment,which affect turnover intention and, in turn, to job performance. In the followingsections, we discuss the concepts of turnover intention, POS and affective commitment.We explain the methodology in detail, followed by the empirical analyses and results.Finally, we conclude the paper and discuss the theoretical and practical implicationsgenerated by the research results.
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