Damian and (Y/N) both stared at their hands.
A red string.
Both of them glance at each other.
"Aha...?" (Y/N) nervously laughed. "Well would you look at that..."
Oh crap...
"Hey Damian! I bought a new game!"
Dick was excited to finally see Damian after a few months away from the Wayne manor, but oddly enough... Damian wasn't answering him. Absolutely sure that Damian was home, Dick began to look around, before spotting Damian pace wall to wall in the living room.
Dick scratched the back of his head.
"Uh hey, what's wrong little D?"
"Nothing of importance." Damian grumbled, still deep in thought.
"Why are you acting like a panicked pigeon?"
"There is no reason." Damian assures his brother before stopping in place. "Well... alright... fine... how do I look?"
Dick took the time to examine Damian up and down in his normal uniform for Gotham Academy... and proceeded to give him a thumbs up.
"You look the same as ever..."
"Alright. I'll be going now.