Logo Lampoon As relics Haripunchai circle blue background.
Haripunchai legendary relics built around. 17th century during the reign of King Sun King. King of the dynasty
Chamadevi Wong to enshrine the relics are displayed on the same land in the district court. The appearance of relics
The castle is rectangular shape Is renovated several days later. Change the shape of a pagoda round base.
Not Available explosive device Lanka restored once in 1990 in the reign of King Tilokkarat city.
Please give the Lord the Great Stupa is 92 feet higher than that seen today.
Relics Haripunchai The ancient sacred Lamphun People who have faith respected.
And the tradition Another of Lamphun Bathing is traditionally the relics Haripunchai. In the eight months or Peng
Match Day 6 of the 15th lunar month every year